Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome to my blog

I leave for Sweden on Wednesday 21st July. My journey involves a trip to London, including lunch with one of my Aunts, a trip to Gatwick Airport, then flying to Stockholm. Oh...and I still have a lot left to do...

To Do:

1) Go through every bag or box of things I brought back from my flat at music college and decide what I want to take with me.

2) Go through the pile of things I really want to take with me and decide what I do really want to take with me, as everything won't fit.

3) Go through my clothes. Will I wear it again? Did I ever wear it? Am I just being sentimental about the Tshirt that I love to look at but that doesn't fit? Do I already have enough cardigans? Is 9 white vest tops too many?

4) Pack final items into suitcases.

5) With remaining items, decide what can be stored in my parents home, and what can be sent to charity shops.

6) Pack storage items in remaining suitcases.

7) Go through pile of charity shop items. Would any one actually pay for this junk? Should it not just be binned? Is there a law these days on the level of quality when donating items to charity shops? I don't think any of my things would harm someone...

8) Call the Tax Man. Tell him I'm leaving the country. I can't do this until I've packed all my bags or my voice might not sound convincing enough on the phone.

9) Call the Student Finance Company. Tell them I'm leaving the country. This means I don't have to pay back my loan until I'm earning the right amount of money that's relative to where I'm now living. Tell them I'm living in Sweden. Praise God for the high cost of living, high salaries and high taxes in Sweden that mean I have to be earning considerably more to pay back my loan (unlike the UK where it is only 15.000 p.a.).

10) Stop wearing the clothes that I have already put aside to go to Sweden. Otherwise I'll be taking dirty clothes with me!

11) Wrap up all my errands and loose ends in the UK. Send all my post, hug all my friends, pay all my bills, visit my old music teacher, collect addresses, set up skype for my parents.

12) Buy a bikini. Damn.

And I've successfully procrastinated by beginning my blog instead!

KJ x

1 comment:

  1. Kay hasn't even got there yet but already she is dressing the part...
